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1、DataSet Transformations #

Map #

Takes one element and produces one element.

FlatMap #

Takes one element and produces zero, one, or more elements.

MapPartition #

Transforms a parallel partition in a single function call. The function gets the partition as an Iterable stream and can produce an arbitrary number of result values. The number of elements in each partition depends on the degree-of-parallelism and previous operations.

Filter #

Evaluates a boolean function for each element and retains those for which the function returns true. IMPORTANT: The system assumes that the function does not modify the element on which the predicate is applied. Violating this assumption can lead to incorrect results.

Reduce #

Combines a group of elements into a single element by repeatedly combining two elements into one. Reduce may be applied on a full data set or on a grouped data set.

ReduceGroup #

Combines a group of elements into one or more elements. ReduceGroup may be applied on a full data set, or on a grouped data set.

Aggregate #

Aggregates a group of values into a single value. Aggregation functions can be thought of as built-in reduce functions. Aggregate may be applied on a full data set, or on a grouped data set.

Distinct #

Returns the distinct elements of a data set. It removes the duplicate entries from the input DataSet, with respect to all fields of the elements, or a subset of fields.

Join #

Joins two data sets by creating all pairs of elements that are equal on their keys. Optionally uses a JoinFunction to turn the pair of elements into a single element, or a FlatJoinFunction to turn the pair of elements into arbitrarily many (including none) elements. See the keys section to learn how to define join keys.

OuterJoin #

Performs a left, right, or full outer join on two data sets. Outer joins are similar to regular (inner) joins and create all pairs of elements that are equal on their keys. In addition, records of the “outer” side (left, right, or both in case of full) are preserved if no matching key is found in the other side. Matching pairs of elements (or one element and a null value for the other input) are given to a JoinFunction to turn the pair of elements into a single element, or to a FlatJoinFunction to turn the pair of elements into arbitrarily many (including none) elements. See the keys section to learn how to define join keys.

CoGroup #

The two-dimensional variant of the reduce operation. Groups each input on one or more fields and then joins the groups. The transformation function is called per pair of groups. See the keys section to learn how to define coGroup keys.

Cross #

Builds the Cartesian product (cross product) of two inputs, creating all pairs of elements. Optionally uses a CrossFunction to turn the pair of elements into a single element

Union #

Produces the union of two data sets.

Rebalance #

Evenly rebalances the parallel partitions of a data set to eliminate data skew. Only Map-like transformations may follow a rebalance transformation.

Hash-Partition #

Hash-partitions a data set on a given key. Keys can be specified as position keys, expression keys, and key selector functions.

Range-Partition #

Range-partitions a data set on a given key. Keys can be specified as position keys, expression keys, and key selector functions.

Custom Partitioning #

Assigns records based on a key to a specific partition using a custom Partitioner function. The key can be specified as position key, expression key, and key selector function. Note: This method only works with a single field key.

Sort Partitioning #

Locally sorts all partitions of a data set on a specified field in a specified order. Fields can be specified as tuple positions or field expressions. Sorting on multiple fields is done by chaining sortPartition() calls.

First-N #

Returns the first n (arbitrary) elements of a data set. First-n can be applied on a regular data set, a grouped data set, or a grouped-sorted data set. Grouping keys can be specified as key-selector functions or field position keys.

Project #

Selects a subset of fields from tuples.

MinBy / MaxBy #

Selects a tuple from a group of tuples whose values of one or more fields are minimum (maximum). The fields which are used for comparison must be valid key fields, i.e., comparable. If multiple tuples have minimum (maximum) field values, an arbitrary tuple of these tuples is returned. MinBy (MaxBy) may be applied on a full data set or a grouped data set.

